John Wayne Rieder

Welcome to the Gateway of Legends: Echoes of Ancient Myths


Immerse yourself in a realm where the mystic past breathes life into the present—where gods and goddesses tread the boundless heavens, dragons soar across the twilight of forgotten worlds, and mythological beasts roam the landscapes of our imagination. This is not just a gallery; it's a journey back in time to the cradles of civilization—the fertile crescent of Mesopotamia, the eternal lands of Egypt, the rugged coasts of the Norse, and beyond.

At [Your Website Name], we celebrate the timeless tales that have shaped humanity: stories of heroism and hubris, of creation and chaos, told through the ages by countless voices. Here, each artwork is a window into the soul of ancient civilizations, a bridge connecting the modern seeker with the ancient sages.

I studied the artist's, read their notes, where available', and even experimented with their painting.  I ground pigment into paint, experimented with different kinds of oil and made painting medium using old recipes for dissolving gum damar in turpentine.  I was driven to come to terms with a strong creative impulse that possessed an unavoidable intellectual, or technical slant.  Technique and application methogs became as critical to the work as the composition.

Glass palette - Paint and Materials